Service providers

AETS Afrique

AETS Afrique

AETS Afrique
06 BP 6698 Abidjan

+225 0769964865
+225 2722541602

AETS Afrique is a subsidiary of the AETS Group, based in Pau, France, and is owned by the Apave Group and its employees (30%).

Created in 1997, AETS is "specialised in expertise services in the context of the major challenges facing our world: economic growth and poverty reduction; climate change mitigation and adaptation; rapid urbanisation; governance and human development, especially in emerging countries where AETS has acquired its experience over more than twenty years, at the service of governments and their international partners. AETS provides services to institutional clients (European Commission, French Development Agency, World Bank...) and their beneficiaries, as well as to private actors”.

"AETS currently employs more than seventy people in Europe and around the world. Its organisation is based on thematic departments with qualified experts and project managers experienced in the tasks of project design, formulation, implementation and evaluation, with the aim of providing a comprehensive service to its clients."

The company's website is