Discover atibt

Since its creation in 1951, at the request of the FAO* and the OECD**, ATIBT (Association Technique Internationale des Bois Tropicaux - International Tropical Timber Technical Association) aims to serve the tropical timber industry, from the forest to the end user.

years of experience
current projects
countries represented



A leading technical and scientific authority in terms of tropical timber resources, knowledge of tropical woods species and their incredible characteristics, forest management, sustainability and certification of tropical forests.


A key partner for industry professionals and their representative when dealing with various stakeholders (governments, international organisations, NGOs, etc.) in order to promote their vision of the profession.


A manager of international programs that support tropical forests, in line with the main themes that the members of the association wants to address, the scientific and technical knowledge, the purchase of legal wood, the ecosystem services and the reforestation.

*Food and Agriculture Organization – a United Nations agency.
**Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development.



About us

About us

ATIBT, a trade association representing the private tropical forest sector.



The Association consists of a Board of Directors, a General Assembly and an Executive Board. ATIBT’s objectives and strategy are decided by the Board of Directors and approved by its Assembly.

Our team

Our team

The ATIBT team consists of permanent staff in charge of the management of the association, as well as experts in charge of specific projects or studies. These experts often maintain a link with with the association over the long terme, on actions that are part of a long-lasting relationship.

ATIBT Words from Presidents

ATIBT Words from Presidents

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the ATIBT, 4 Presidents met in Nogent-sur-Marne, headquarters of the Association, and also solicited the testimony of the most veteran among them, Dr Stoll.

Our history

Our history

The ATIBT has a list of successive presidents from 1951 to the present day. All of them are or have been men who knew the sector perfectly and distinguished themselves for their human qualities.

Our vision, our values

Our vision, our values

ATIBT contributes to the sustainable and responsible development of the tropical forestry sector, from the forest to the markets.

Our activity

Our activity

ATIBT activities to promote tropical woods are numerous, and are adapted according to the priorities of the Association's members.

Our goals

Our goals

ATIBT work is based on the conviction that a healthy and lawful forest economy can make an important contribution to maintaining forest cover in tropical countries, which is often threatened by population pressure and agriculture.

ATIBT Activity Report

ATIBT Activity Report

Each year, the ATIBT writes an annual report for the General Assembly, to which its members but also partners wishing to learn more about the work of the Association are invited.

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Upcoming Events

These events need to be verified due to COVID-19.

26 March 2025 > 28 March 2025

World of Wood Convention/IWPA, USA

22 April 2025 > 25 April 2025

FOMADECIE - BC, Brazzaville, Congo

05 May 2025 > 09 May 2025

PEFC Forest Forum 2025 in Vietnam