ATIBT, a driving force in the implementation of international projects dedicated to the sustainable and responsible management of tropical forests.
ATIBT aims to serve the tropical timber industry, from the forest to the final consumer, especially for timber from Africa, where the Association is historically active.
DiscoverAs early as 2003, the European Union developed the FLEGT (Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade) action plan, which provides for a set of measures to exclude from the European market timber and timber products illegally sourced, to improve the supply of timber from legal harvesting and to increase the demand for legal products.
DiscoverOver the last twenty years, forest concessions have undergone major changes in the Congo Basin.
DiscoverATIBT offers its technical expertise to producers and users of tropical timber before the realization of a work, through consulting missions, or after the completion of a work, in the event of a conflict.
DiscoverATIBT intervenes in standardisation committees at the European and international level.
DiscoverATIBT provides professionals and the general public with a wide range of institutional, technical and commercial information on all major issues related to the tropical timber environment, such as promoting legality, sustainable forest management and improvement of industrial processing methods.
DiscoverIn order to maintain the forest potential, both in quantity and quality, it is increasingly essential, especially in some countries where demographic pressure is intense, to combine natural regeneration with silvicultural methods involving the planting of trees, giving priority to local species with high heritage value.
DiscoverATIBT regularly organizes professional training courses for the sector, in French for the moment. The themes are varied: general knowledge on tropical woods, training in sawnwood and logs, sharpening...