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Experts or consultancies in the tropical timber sector are important members of ATIBT, either individually or as part of their company.
DiscoverATIBT member companies in the forest and timber industry that are foresters or tropical timber industrialists are almost always based in the Congo Basin or West Africa.
DiscoverMany importers or suppliers of tropical wood are based in Europe, but some of ATIBT members are based in America or Asia.
DiscoverAlthough it is a representative association of the private sector, ATIBT has public players among its members.
DiscoverATIBT carries out a particularly intense communication action, and as such, is led to frequent interactions with the media.
DiscoverAs a private individual, you may also be interested in the ATIBT, because of the link between the association and the major current issues, concerning climate change, biodiversity, deforestation.