Signing of a €5M financing agreement between the Network of Forestry and Environmental Training Institutions of Central Africa (RIFFEAC) and the French Development Agency (AFD)
Ce 03 février 2020 s’est tenu à l’AFD la signature d’une convention de financement pour la mise en œuvre du Projet d’Appui au développement de la formation continue dans la filière forêt-bois en Afrique centrale (ADEFAC). Ont pris part à cet évènement Monsieur Raymond NDOMBA NGOYE, Secrétaire Exécutif de la Commission des Forêts d’Afrique Centrale (COMIFAC), Monsieur KACHAKA SUDI KAIKO CLAUDE, Coordonnateur Régional du Réseau des Institutions de Formation Forestière et Environnementale d’Afrique Centrale (RIFFEAC), son Excellence Monsieur Christophe GUILHOU, Ambassadeur de France au Cameroun, et Monsieur Benoît LEBEURRE, Directeur de l’AFD au Cameroun
This agreement, for a total amount of 3 279 785 000 F CFA (€5 million), aims to improve the professional qualification of actors in the forest and environment sector in Central Africa.
The aim of the 5-year project is to contribute to the sustainable management of the forests of the Congo Basin through the development of a continuing training programme for the forest-wood sector in the countries of Central Africa (Cameroon, Congo, Gabon and the Democratic Republic of Congo), making it possible to improve the employability and qualifications of those involved and to enhance the value of the economic sector.
With the support of the International Tropical Timber Technical Association (ATIBT), the ADEFAC project is aimed at the training institutions members of the Network (RIFFEAC) as well as the private forestry and environmental sector, the first user of the personnel trained by these institutions.
This project has three components:
– Improvement and sustainability of the continuing training system for the forest-based sector in Central Africa, by (i) structuring and updating the training needs of professional circles; (ii) strengthening a certified offer; and (iii) seeking a sustainable and institutionalized regional system, consistent with national systems.
– The deployment of continuing training actions, according to a detailed system of organization, implementation and evaluation.
– The setting up of a complementary technical assistance mechanism to ensure the capitalization of results and the enrichment of the mapping of the sector’s professions.
ADEFAC’s objective is to develop quality processed products on local markets, consistent with the principles of sustainable management and traceability, while relying on the existing fabric of SMEs and VSEs.
Through the training of 200 trainers and 640 trainees, it will enable the various players to have a flexible and operational system for improving their skills, with a knock-on effect on more than 2,500 professionals in the sector.
Moreover, the project is part of a dynamic of transition towards a low carbon trajectory, with an estimated quantity of GHG emissions avoided of 16,000 TCO2eq/year, thanks to improved sustainable management of the resource.