To answer most of the questions of the timber sector, ATIBT exchanged with the association Le Commerce du Bois to have a synthesis of the recommendations in this period of crisis related to COVID-19. You will find below an information point of the French association on different useful guides in the logic of continuity of your activity.
These documents are in French language, if you need a translation please let us know. We will proceed to do it quickly, if at all possible.
Business Continuity Plan Guide for companies and industries in the wood sector
The Business Continuity Plan guide for companies and industries in the timber sector was published on 27 March and is awaiting validation by the French ministries concerned. This guide was produced by the CSF Bois stakeholders with the support of the FCBA. It includes the State’s instructions for the prevention of risks related to the coronavirus (Covid-19) and presents practices of companies in the wood furniture industry while waiting for the sites of occupational health institutions to propose operational crisis measures. It does not claim to be exhaustive and will evolve according to feedback, government instructions and the evolution of the crisis.
FNBM guide dedicated to the trading sector
The FNBM has released a new version of its guide for materials dealers.
It includes :
OPPBTP guide dedicated to the construction sector
The guide to health safety recommendations for the continuity of construction activities during a coronavirus epidemic has been published. This guide, produced by the OPPBTP in conjunction with the professional federations concerned (CAPEB, FFB, FNTP and SCOP-BTP) has been validated by various French Ministries, including the Ministry of Labour. Its release was expected by our sector as it seemed to condition in part the resumption of construction sites. This document lists the urgent and specific measures to be implemented to ensure the necessary sanitary conditions for construction and public works personnel called upon to work in offices, workshops, depots or construction sites and other places, in addition to any sanitary measures enacted by the public authorities, which have approved these specific measures. This guide also includes various illustrated documents that could be useful to you in the context of measures to protect your employees:
The Timber Trade and the ATIBT recall that it is up to each company to define its prevention measures according to its own risk analysis.