This article completes the overview of the commissions that we did last week.
With its chairman Emmanuel Groutel (Wale), and its secretary Jean Gérard (CIRAD), the ATIBT Materials and Standardization Commission gathers active members of our association.
The members of the Materials and Standardization Commission exercise their functions free of charge, as in all the ATIBT commissions. They can be members as professionals working in one or more fields of the tropical timber sector and must actively participate in the functioning of the commission in a constructive way (bring information or carry out research necessary to the needs of the commission, propose improvements...).
The objective of this commission is to create a network of experts who reflect together on evolutions and collective strategies, and on the development of industrial products, by recalling the role of tropical timber, often competed by materials such as aluminum or PVC.
Moreover, the commission must establish collective strategies, undertake actions on the normative level and intervene in the consumer countries as well as in the producer countries.
Many concrete topics are addressed within the framework of the commission, including:
In addition, the topics discussed at the International Forums of ATIBT, or during the RACEWOOD, will be particularly taken into account and followed by the commission; conversely, the commission is directly concerned by the choice of substantive topics planned during these meetings.
The secretary of the Materials and Standardization Commission participates in various standardization committees, organized by the FCBA wood and furniture standardization office.
These commissions are :
The commission of April 27, after an introduction by Benoit Jobbé-Duval and Emmanuel Groutel, followed the following agenda: