The ATIBT agroforestry and planting commission is organizing an online conference on February 25, 2025, from 10am to 12pm (GMT +1).
The aim of this conference is to encourage the sharing of experiences between agroforestry and plantation players.
Eric Penot will be presenting “Rubber-based agroforestry systems including timber species”. This presentation will provide an overview of the challenges and opportunities of rubber-based agroforestry systems in the tropics of Latin America, Southeast Asia and Africa. The following presentation, entitled “Plantations of local timber species in forest management units in Cameroon”, will be led by Yanick Nkoulou and Guillaume Neve. Finally, Crispin Ilunga-Mulala will give a scientific analysis of “Plantation performance of local species: a synthesis for the Guineo-Congolese region”, based on the results of a scientific publication. To take part in the conference, please register here. The link to the conference is here. (Meeting ID: 344 231 158 786; Password: bM3Nj76u).
The aim of this conference is to encourage the sharing of experiences between agroforestry and plantation players. Eric Penot will be presenting “Rubber-based agroforestry systems including timber species”. This presentation will provide an overview of the challenges and opportunities of rubber-based agroforestry systems in the tropics of Latin America, Southeast Asia and Africa. The following presentation, entitled “Plantations of local timber species in forest management units in Cameroon”, will be led by Yanick Nkoulou and Guillaume Neve. Finally, Crispin Ilunga-Mulala will give a scientific analysis of “Plantation performance of local species: a synthesis for the Guineo-Congolese region”, based on the results of a scientific publication available here. To take part in the conference, please register here.
As part of its roadmap for 2025, the agroforestry commission will be organizing three online conferences or roundtables in February, June and October 2025, to share the results of the various projects carried out by its members. These events are part of a wider drive to revitalize the agroforestry and planting commission, which now has a new secretariat comprising Crispin Ilunga-Mulala Mushagalusa (ULiège - Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech), Guillaume Neve (Nature + asbl) and Yanick Nkoulou (ATIBT). Under the direction of commission chairman Eric Penot (CIRAD), these new coordinators will ensure that the roadmap is implemented. Their missions include sharing information and experience, capitalizing on knowledge within the membership, promoting financing synergies, and monitoring and coordinating the commission's actions.
PhD Candidate | TERRA Forest is Life
Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech | University of Liege