This draft standard is the result of a public survey of professionals. It will be worked on by the Standardization Committee on 7 June 2017 in Paris.
The intend of the standard ISO/DIS 38200 “Chain of custody of wood and wood-based products” is to provide a framework for implementing a chain of custody system for tracking for the purpose of passing on information regarding and lignified materials from the source to the finished product.
A chain of custody system is a process by which information about materials can be tracked throughout the entire or parts of the supply chain. It is intended to be used by organizations in the supply chain regardless of their size.
Purchasers can use this standard to evaluate the information they receive from suppliers to help identify suitable input material. Other standards and certification schemes can use this standard as a reference for how to provide information regarding chain of custody systems.
This standard does not cover forest management but can be used to transfer information about the source of the wood product.