ATIBT presents to his family and to the personnel of Vasto Legno all its condolences.
Below, a few words to evoke his memory.
It is with deep sadness that we announce the death of Ennio DAJELLI, President of Vasto Legno SPA.
Born on the 21th of April in 1932 in Milan, he began his career in the construction of wine barrels.
Then, its activity diversified into timber exports from Ghana and Ivory Coast.
Afterward, he got involved in the management of forest concessions in south-east Cameroon.
Meanwhile, he focused on Asian markets, particularly in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. In the 80s, he bought Vastolegno, and he created in Cameroon the company SEFAC, logging company, which play a fundamental role in the development of this African country.
He was still president of Vasto Legno until his death.
All of ATIBT’s friends will remember a great professional, loved and respected.