
Congolaise Industrielle des Bois (CIB) celebrates its 50th anniversary


CIB (Congolaise Industrielle des Bois) was founded 50 years ago, and the company celebrates this anniversary this Friday.

CIB has been operating in the Republic of Congo since 1968 and our operations are headquartered in Pokola in the north of the Republic of Congo. Olam’s activities in the Republic of Congo began in 2011 with the acquisition of CIB.

« We manage natural forest concessions and are committed to responsible and sustainable forestry which does not impact on the lives of communities living in the forests, or the biodiversity ».

CIB operates forest management concessions and processing in the Sangha province, covering approximately 2.1 million hectares, each obtained under long-term lease agreements and all managed in accordance with the Sustainable Forest Management standards.

CIB has FSC® certification for about 1.3 million hectares, with the remainder undergoing certification process, one of the world’s largest contiguous FSC® certified tropical hardwood concessions. About 92,500 hectares are preserved as standing forest under REDD+. “Logs are selectively harvested on an annual basis over 3 separate harvesting phases. Harvested logs not directly exported are processed locally in our own mills, drying kilns and moulding factory. Our four modern saw mills in the Republic of Congo have a capacity of 250,000 m3 of input logs and are designed to offer the maximum flexibility to treat various species of logs, as well as offering maximum choice in thickness and dimensions in sawn timber.”

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