
Pierre Valière

Pierre Valière passed away on February 21, 2024 at the age of 77.

Pierre joined the Centre Technique Forestier Tropical in Nogent sur Marne in 1966, at the age of 20.

He was assigned to support the sawmill and joinery workshop.

Nearly 30 years later, at the end of 1994, he followed the relocation of CIRAD Forêt to Montpellier, where he continued to work at the Wood Program's Machining Center.

For several years, he was simultaneously assigned part-time to Ditam in Baillarguet.

He also provided support to the Wood Durability and Preservation Team of the Tropical Woods Research Unit, then the BioWooEB Research Unit.

Discreet but with an incisive sense of humor, always available, he was much appreciated by his colleagues.

After 50 years of service at CIRAD (!), his retirement in 2016 left a void in the team.

He was laid to rest on March 1 at the Metropolitan Cemetery.


Elisabeth Claverie de Saint Martin