
CST Forest: launch of two new projects


The last plenary session of the Forest Scientific and Technical Committee (CST-F) was held on Wednesday April 19. As a reminder, the CST-F was created by AFD in 2019 to collectively build knowledge and methodological references for public policies.

This day was an opportunity to discuss ongoing projects and to present two new ones: the first one on the development of a new framework for the analysis of tropical forest classification, the second one on indigenous peoples and local communities.

Status of the position paper on Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR)

Following the FLR theme day in October 2022, a working group is currently drafting a position paper to identify what can be added to the actions already identified and implemented for FLR, as well as to identify areas to monitor to ensure their effectiveness.

At this stage, a history of actions and a bibliography have been developed, as well as a first draft of a note. The objective of the last plenary session was to solicit the opinions of the participants on this note, before validation in COPIL and publication.


Update on the development of the French Forest Footprint Reference System (REFF)

The objective of this project is to define a methodological framework for the production of guides for public authorities, communities and companies to measure their "forest footprint".

The provisional report of the eight workshops of the working group in charge of the project reminded us of the interest of proposing a common frame of reference to measure the impact of the consumption of the French population on forests and other threatened ecosystems. Indeed, the REFF working group has integrated into its work not only forest ecosystems, but all ecosystems: it was suggested in the discussions to speak of "ecosystem footprint" rather than "forest footprint".

Presentation of the new project on the development of a new framework for the analysis of tropical forest classification

This project aims to better take into account the diversity of tropical forests in their management. It is being carried out in the context of the deployment of the new European regulation on deforestation, which has given rise to debates and questions about the definition of the forest, and has been a point of tension between the European Union and producer countries.

Coordinated by CIRAD in partnership with CIFOR, IRD, CNRS and Ecofor, this project will be organized around four activities:

  1. Proposing a classification system for tropical forests based on the diversity of ecological contexts (case studies in Brazil and Cameroon).
  2. Document the perceptions of rural populations of their forest ecosystems.
  3. To arouse the interest of Central African administrations and actors in adjusting the classification of their forests and characterizing their levels of degradation.
  4. Mobilize a network of actors on the classification of tropical forests and the implications of these classifications on their action strategies.

The objective of this working group will be to define a harmonized definition that takes into account both ecological and social aspects and that obtains the approval of producing countries.

A shared table will soon be sent to CST-F members, and a website and a Wikipedia page will also be soon available.

Presentation of the policy note on certification in the framework of the National Strategy  to Combat Imported Deforestation (SNDI)

This session concluded the work on the potential of private certification in the fight against deforestation for the agricultural and forestry sectors concerned by the French SNDI.

The final version of the policy note, which was presented in plenary, made recommendations in the context of the new EUDR, and questioned the role of the latter: is it a strong incentive to improve certification standards, or is it on the contrary a risk for these standards?


Launch of the new projetc on indigenous peoples and local communities

This project, which aims to gain recognition for the role of indigenous peoples and local communities in preserving ecosystems, will be carried out by two consortia: the first, CIRAD/Fern/DOCIP, and the second, AGTER/TINTA/GATC (Global Alliance of Territorial Communities).

The following lines of work have been defined for 2023:

  • Report human rights violations and the destruction of nature in the territories.
  • Consolidate a Global Alliance of Territorial Community Organizations that strengthens the struggles and proposals at the country level.
  • Demonstrate that communities with recognized territorial rights are the best allies in the fight against climate change and biodiversity loss.

This workshop will question and document the conditions of the contribution of indigenous peoples and local communities to the preservation of forests and their difficulties in having it recognized. In this perspective, it will aim to propose ways to optimize forestry policies and practices to recognize their customary land rights while supporting their effective participation in the sustainable management of tropical forests.


The next CST-F plenary will take place at the end of June 2023.

The CST-F has also recently consolidated its website, which we invite you to discover :

CST-F Website