
April 2024: All stakeholders in the ADEFAC project meet face-to-face in Brazzaville


On the agenda was learning, capitalisation and projection on the occasion of the Brazzaville meetings, as part of the training of trainers, the regional working group and the 5th COPIL of the ADEFAC project.


From 15 to 20 April 2024, Brazzaville saw a flurry of activities under the ADEFAC project supported by RIFFEAC and ATIBT.

The following events took place during this period:


  • training of trainers in andragogy and the use of the skills-based approach
  • a regional meeting of the Continuing Vocational Training TWG
  • the 5th meeting of the ADEFAC project steering committee.


This latest training of trainers follows a series of 8 sessions held in the 4 project countries (Cameroon, Congo, Gabon and DRC) from 2021 to 2023. The 176 trainers, 14.5% of whom were women, have now been joined by 18 trainers, including 27.78% of women. The ADEFAC project has therefore trained a regional pool of 194 trainers, including 15.97% women, capable of building continuing vocational training modules that meet the needs of the market.

The Regional working group brought together the members of the national working groups, which are made up of representatives of the government departments responsible for forestry, continuing education, SMEs/employment, standards, as well as representatives of professional organisations in the forestry-wood industry and training institutions. This regional working group has made it possible to capitalise on the achievements of the national working groups, to draw up an evaluation grid for the quality labelling of continuing vocational training modules, to define a standard outline for the labelling process, and to draw up a roadmap for each working group to anchor them at national level. This anchoring is essential if the co-management of continuing training between the private sector and training centres, supported by the authorities, is to continue after the end of the ADEFAC project.

The 5th meeting of the COPIL was an opportunity for a physical meeting between the various stakeholders in the project: the Regional Coordinator of the RIFFEAC, the Director General of the ATIBT, the regional managers of the AFD, the Technical Operator of the ADEFAC project, the consultants of the Technical Operator, the stakeholders in the forestry-wood sector, the managers and teachers of the training institutions.

The technical and financial report on the ADEFAC project's activities in 2023 and the budgeted action plan for 2024 were presented and approved, as was the labelling system drawn up by the regional working group. The gender issue was also discussed, as it is an important cross-cutting theme in the prospects for support for continuing training in the forestry and wood sector.

These three events provided an opportunity to share knowledge and reflect on the future of continuing vocational training in the forestry-wood sector, especially in light of the halt to log exports in the Central African sub-region, and the application of the EUDR.


Forfor régionale - Photo de famille 


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