
End of the Mai-Ndombe Integrated REDD Programme


The Mai-Ndombe Integrated REDD Programme is one of the programmes financed by CAFI in the DRC through the National REDD Fund. The executing agency was the World Bank, and the project owner was the Ministry of the Environment through the Forest Investment Programme Coordination Unit. FRM Ingénierie acted as Delegated Project Manager from June 2018 to February 2024 in a consortium with WWC (Wildlife Works). The aim of this REDD programme was to act on the various drivers of deforestation in order to commit the Province to virtuous development. 



A brochure summarises the achievements of the project (in French)

A few figures illustrate the scale of the challenge: 568 simple land use plans have been drawn up by local communities with our support, more than 3,700 hectares of agroforestry plantations have been planted in the savannah, as well as more than 2,000 hectares of oil palm, plus 1,600 hectares of cash crops in the forest area. 21 micro-projects have been financed for the benefit of local populations. 35 engineering structures have been built or renovated, including 21 concrete bridges, 3 metal bridges and 10 culverts, and 191 km of roads have been maintained using the HIMO (labour-intensive) method. A ferry has been built to cross the river Kwa, facilitating access to the main town of Inongo from Kinshasa.


The project benefited from additional funding from the GEF (Global Environment Facility) aimed at taking greater account of biodiversity in the project, the emergence of community REDD+ projects and Local Community Forest Concessions. 3 new films were produced:



These films are in addition to those already produced and available on the PIREDD playlist.