
Monitoring certified wood supplies: the Timber market survey (Thémis) 2025 opens on February 28


All ATIBT members buying wood (importers or not) are concerned by the tool: the collection opens on Friday February 28 on the portal until April 30, 2025.

As an ATIBT member purchasing and/or distributing wood products, you are invited to complete the Thémis portal for tracking responsible wood procurement. Data collection on your 2024 supplies is open from February 17 to April 30, 2025.

The portal features a dashboard for companies that have entered their data. This dashboard enables them to summarize their purchasing data, which is then valorized within the framework of the Chambre de commerce du bois CSR Charter.

As a reminder, the Thémis data collection portal, initiated by Probos, is a joint effort by wood trade associations and federations (ATIBT, LCB and Fedustria) and organizations promoting sustainable forest management and responsible trade.

The “timber market survey” tool collects data on the import of wood products in order to assess, communicate and thus help increase the supply of wood from sustainably managed forests. The growth of the market for responsibly sourced wood is essential to encourage the adoption of sustainable forest management worldwide, and to enhance the value of wood products for major customers.
To log on to the portal and complete the online survey, please enter your login details on this link.

As an ATIBT member purchasing and/or distributing wood products, you are invited to complete the Thémis portal for tracking responsible wood procurement. Data collection on your 2024 supplies is open from February 17 to April 30, 2025.

The portal features a dashboard for companies that have entered their data. This dashboard enables them to summarize their purchasing data, which is then valorized within the framework of the Wood Trade CSR Charter.

As a reminder, the Thémis data collection portal, initiated by Probos, is a joint effort by wood trade associations and federations (ATIBT, LCB and Fedustria) and organizations promoting sustainable forest management and responsible trade.

The “timber market survey” tool collects data on the import of wood products in order to assess, communicate and thus help increase the supply of wood from sustainably managed forests. The growth of the market for responsibly sourced wood is essential to encourage the adoption of sustainable forest management worldwide, and to enhance the value of wood products for major customers.
To log on to the portal and complete the online survey, please enter your login details on this link.

If you can't remember your password and would like to create one, nothing could be simpler: just enter your email address and click on “forgot password”. An automatic email will be sent to you to reset your password (don't forget to check your spam if you don't receive an email). The same goes for creating a password if you're logging in for the first time.
To help you with this collection, the LCB website has set up an online toolbox: click here to discover it.
For further information, please contact Alessandra Negri at


Access the Themis portal