
The JATP’s ambition to become the City of Sustainable Development


 ATIBT has been installed for several years on the historic site of the Jardin d’Agronomie Tropicale of Paris (JATP) – René Dumont, in Nogent-sur-Marne. As everyone knows, this place was the first seat of CIRAD (before it is so called) and the site of the CTFT (Technical Tropical Forestry Center) before the unification of Cirad’s departments in Montpellier.


Today, the 18 institutions present on the JATP website, active on the themes of sustainable development and international cooperation, have the will to create a place of capitalization, sharing and scientific deepening on sustainable development: the City of Sustainable Development.


The ATIBT thought it was very positive to join this initiative because of the objectives pursued by its members.


This idea of ​​the Sustainable Development City is based on a common diagnosis according to which new international agreements and new agendas (SDGs, Paris Agreement, Aichi Targets, Sendai Framework, New Urban Agenda, etc.) confirm the need to invent « new modes of development » in a perspective of sustainability and equity.


The main objectives of the Cité du Développement Durable would be:


  • propose an integrated approach to the risks of non-sustainability of development, whether these stem from issues related to « global public goods », the degradation of local and global environments (climate change), poverty and growing inequalities or globalization;
  • improve the decision-makers’ taking into account innovative practices of development actors and scientific achievements of research and public authorities, the private market sector, NGOs / SSEs, citizens, etc.). This approach could favor the analysis of « success stories »;
  • improve the consideration of local demands by methods that promote the inclusion of all stakeholders in programs and projects;
  • strengthen the French presence in the arenas of international debates: COP, IPCC, IPBES, IEA, FAO, EU, World Bank, UNEP, UNDP, G20;
  • build a tool for sharing « field » knowledge and scientific knowledge on themes of common interest in order to decompartmentalise the « world of development » and federate the different categories of actors in the service of inclusive development (research- education, public authorities, private commercial sector, NGOs / SSEs, citizens …).

To be continued…