
Welcome to our new member : Hupkes Houthandel (The Netherlands)


Hupkes Houthandel  Dieren BV is a privately owned company founded in 1918 in the Netherlands. Today management is  run by Hans van Heerden and Stefan Meinhardt. Hupkes is specialized in tropical timbers for external use and runs a permanent stock of 6000 m3 of sawn timber coming from West Africa and South America.


Hupkes, being one of the last sawmillers in Europe producing cut to list specifications up to 15 meters long in Azobe and Bilinga,  buys yearly about 8000 m3 of logs. With its specialized equipment Hupkes realizes all kind of machining of heavy sections.



On its premises in the Netherlands of 30.000 m2 and with its 40 co-workers Hupkes realizes exports to about 15 countries.



Why did you decide to join ATIBT?

ATIBT is the platform where we find a large part of our suppliers. The sustainable management of the material we are working for is very important to us. This year, Hupkes will exist for 100 years and good resource management ensures that our future is secure. Hupkes Houthandel Dieren BV employees greet ATIBT!

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