
Training in identification of forest species on processed products, scaling and grading of sawn timber in Libreville (Gabon)


Training in the identification of forest species on processed products, and in the scaling and grading of sawn timber in Gabon.

Within the framework of the Projet d'Appui à la Filière Forêt-Bois au Gabon, financed by the AFD, training in the identification of forest species on processed products, and in the measurement and classification of cut wood, has been designed for agents from Eaux et Forêts and the Direction Générale des Douanes du Gabon. This 6-day training course was rolled out in three successive sessions, enabling the training of 60 agents in charge of controls. The training was provided by CIRAD's BioWooEB Research Unit, in partnership with Gabon's Ecole Nationale des Eaux et Forêts.


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