
Technical data sheet n°17: Summary of continental African mahogany trees


This week, we share with you data sheet n°17.

This data sheet n°17 provides an overview of the Acajous and Khaya species of continental Africa. Since the recent inclusion of the Khaya genus in Appendix II of CITES, African mahogany has been the subject of much confusion and confusion between the different botanical genera of the Meliaceae family, which sometimes have similar properties.

Drawing on the results of the important work carried out by Gaël Ulrich Dipelet Bouka, the data sheet makes an initial distinction between the Khaya genus associated with African mahogany and the Swietenia genus associated with American mahogany.

In continental Africa, there are four species of Khaya, whose geographical distribution is described in the data sheet. The various technological properties of these woods are then presented, along with their potential uses and applications. Finally, this technical document discusses the repercussions of the CITES Appendix II listing, as well as a chapter on the international market for African mahogany.

Numerous bibliographical references are provided to complete this technical data sheet.


Download sheet number 17 here.

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