
The ATIBT organised a side-event at the 26th session of the CITES Plants Committee, in Geneva, Switzerland


This side-event was held on 6 June in Geneva, to provide an opportunity for more in-depth discussions with partners from the private sector, as well as with certain government representatives.


Over the years, there has been a growing increase in the number of tropical species listed in Appendix II of CITES. Although this listing does not mean that these species cannot be traded, it does de facto restrict their exports. Many European players in the timber market are influenced by this listing and are turning away from these species. In addition, this Annex II classification introduces new requirements for producer states, notably the production of Non-Detriment Finding Reports ("NDFRs") and the establishment and monitoring of quotas, which can sometimes be difficult to meet due to a lack of human resources. It is therefore essential that these decisions are based on sound ecological and scientific data, and take account of the socio-economic context.

The ATIBT took advantage of this session of the Plants Committee to co-organise, in collaboration with a number of Central African countries, a side-event on the sustainable management of Central African forests. The event was moderated by Cameroon's Director of Forests, Mr Anicet Ngomin, and included the participation of the head of the Democratic Republic of Congo's delegation to the Plants Committee meeting, Professor Augustin Ngumbi. The aim of the event was to present forest management tools in Central Africa and the role of the industrial forestry sector in the region. It was structured around three presentations:

  • Nicolas Bayol outlined the principles of management in Central Africa, including the objectives, the main stages in the process, the renewal of exploited populations and the implementation of management. He also discussed the different management methods used in other tropical basins, the role and types of forest certification in Central Africa, and the use of management plans to set export quotas for ACNP.

Nicolas Bayol - ATIBT

  • Franck Monthe presented the study to review the conservation status (IUCN red list) of woody species exploited in Central Africa, the recommendations of this study to ensure the ecological sustainability of species, and the mastery of silvicultural techniques for species exploited in Central Africa.

Franck Monthe - ATIBT

  • Raphael Barbiche emphasised the importance of socially sustainable investment by the formal industrial forestry sector in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), highlighting its vital role in: (i) contributing to the socio-economic development of local communities, indigenous peoples and vulnerable populations through the establishment of appropriate national mechanisms; and (ii) creating thousands of jobs, both direct and indirect, through the various channels that support the forestry sector.

Raphael Barbiche - ATIBT

Following the presentations, a question-and-answer session provided an opportunity to clarify the methodology of the conservation status review study, as well as the ecology and management of Central Africa's tropical forests.

All these presentations are available on request from the following address:

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