
African lumber: a world of opportunities for the US market


Following the webinar organized in US in collaboration with IWPA (International Wood Product Association) in March, discover the summary of the information from ATIBT.

This article explores the potential of African tropical woods on the American market.

It begins with an analysis of current trends in the tropical timber market, based on data from the FAO and the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO).

Then, the article highlights the main tropical species imported into the United States, such as African mahogany, sapelli, sipo, aniegre, iroko, afro-mosia, azobe and plantation cedar. Some of the technical characteristics of these woods are presented. Four categories of species are identified (heavy, medium-heavy, light, aesthetic), each with properties likely to be of interest to the American market. LKTS (Lesser Known Timber Species) are also discussed.

This document focuses on the main species and categories of wood that could be of interest to American consumers, while highlighting the diversity and availability of certified wood from Africa.


Click below to read the full article.

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