
Several job opportunities available at ATIBT

ATIBT is recruiting for positions at its headquarters in the Paris region, in Côte d'Ivoire and in the Republic of Congo.

The positions to be filled at headquarters are:

  • Project Manager - Timber Trade Portal (TTP)

In charge of updating and developing the Timber Trade Portal platform, integrating new international regulations (EUDR, CITES) and optimizing access to information for stakeholders in the sector.

  • Project Coordinator - Tropical Timber Trade Facility (TTT)

To manage the implementation of TTT project activities, including capacity building, certification, and institutional dialogue between Central Africa, Asia and Europe.

In Côte d'Ivoire

In collaboration with the Syndicat des Producteurs Industriels du Bois (SPIB), we are recruiting two key profiles (project manager and technical assistant) for the implementation of the FLEGT VPA process in Côte d'Ivoire. These positions are part of a strategic project aimed at strengthening the legality and traceability of timber sold to the European Union.

For the Republic of the Congo

We are looking for an Assistant Technical Deputy for the Domestic Timber Market (MIB) project. This project aims to strengthen the competitiveness and sustainability of the domestic timber industry, while contributing to the sustainable socio-economic development of the country.


More information and links to the job descriptions:

Offers at headquarters 

Offers in Ivory Coast

Vacancies in the Republic of the Congo