27 documents
The names and designations attributed to tropical woods are regularly a source of controversy and even dispute. It is therefore important that these names are precise, so that each one can be associated with a single species or species of wood without any risk of confusion.
DiscoverThis technical pamphlet provides definitions and vocabulary for the main products produced by wood processing.
DiscoverCe fascicule répertorie les principales règles de classement des sciages avivés tropicaux en 6 volets
DiscoverWood is a material that reacts with its environment, particularly with water. This booklet provides the necessary information and methodology for calculating moisture content.
DiscoverIn the international tropical timber trade, sawn timber dimensions are measured using the metric system (dimensions expressed in meters and sub-units of the meter) or the imperial system (dimensions expressed in feet and inches).
DiscoverThis fact pamphlet presents the main certifications and regulations applicable to the timber industry, as well as other sources of information on the legality and market of the international timber trade.
DiscoverThis pamphlet is partly based on the document Initiative ATIBT d'appui à une commercialisation des essences africaines inscrites à l'annexe II de la CITES. This document was drawn up following the 19th session of CITES, held in Panama in November 2022. At this conference, a new series of commonly traded timber species was included in CITES Appendix II, with important consequences for their exploitation and trade, particularly internationally.
DiscoverFor 60 years, ATIBT has established and updated a nomenclature of tropical woods matching each botanical species with an internationally recognized pilot name