
Publication of two new videos produced by ATIBT as part of the ASP Congo Project


Two new videos are now available on the ATIBT YouTube channel. The first presents the measures taken to deal with the CITES Appendix II listing of three key tropical timber species in Congo, and the second video gives an overview of the APV FLEGT. 

In the videos produced by the ATIBT Congo team, we give the floor to two officials from the Ministry of Forest Economy. Mr. Loubistel MPIKA NGOUBILI, CITES Focal Point, elaborates on the organization of CITES in Congo and the issuance of export permits for timber species listed in Appendix II of CITES (Padouk, Mahogany and Doussié). A draft CITES law is currently being examined by parliament to organize CITES in the Congo, and steps are being taken to issue export permits to the companies concerned.

Mr. Alain OSSEBI, Coordinator of the CLFT, describes the state of progress of the FLEGT VPA in Congo and presents the strategies for implementing the Computerized Legality Verification System (SIVL) to obtain the FLEGT certificate and issue FLEGT permits. 


See the video CITES

See the video APV Flegt